Lesson series

Coping with Anxiety in Challenging Times

Learn how to manage your anxiety during tough times by discovering evidence-based, practical & user-friendly strategies that you can apply immediately.
Buy this course and get Practical Mindfulness for FREE!
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Join the over 5000 learners who gained access to
scientifically-backed psychological skills and strategies
in an accessible, affordable and ethical way.
Isn't it time you had a better relationship with 

You can have a more positive relationship with your anxiety!

If you are tired of trying to rid yourself of anxiety, there's a reason for that--it's impossible! Learn the truth about anxiety and how to harness it for the purpose it was meant for--to protect you and help you survive!

Coping with
Anxiety in Challenging Times will help you understand anxiety, figure out when it's helping you and when it's hindering you, and learn how to cope with it effectively so you can begin to live your life on your terms.

All the skills and strategies in this course are underpinned by evidence-based theory, research and best practice and designed by a clinical psychologist who has been helping people with anxiety for over 25 years. 

Write your awesome label here.

Coping with Anxiety in Challenging Times is $247 & includes:

10 Audio Lessons

8 Downloadable Worksheets

BONUS Practice Exercises


Here’s what people are saying about Coping with Anxiety in Challenging Times:


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Powerful, science-based and easy to understand this course should be required listening for every single human on earth!


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Taking many of the learnings in the course and applying to my daily life! The course has helped me put personal and professional aspects of my life into perspective.

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Excellent course! I realized I'm not alone in this. I learned some new strategies to accept and not resist my anxiety. I love the part about using your wise mind. I will work on that!

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Very good course that helps with understanding the process of change, how to understand what's happening, and how to deal better with this change. 

These testimonials are genuine, unsolicited experiences
from individuals who have participated in this program.
Individual results vary, and testimonials reflect one's personal
experience. Your experience may differ. The content
here is not intended as a guarantee of results or a
substitute for professional advice.

This program will suit you if:

  • You're interested in how ACCEPTING ANXIETY can help you manage it better.
  • You want to be able to figure out when anxiety is HELPING you or HINDERING you.
  • You don't want anxiety to be in control of your decisions and behaviours anymore.
  • You want to learn new skills that can help you REDUCE your distressing emotions and thoughts.
  • You want to create positive CHANGE & cultivate a MINDSET that will help you achieve your goals.
  • You want access to scientifically-backed SKILLS & STRATEGIES to help you with anxiety in the privacy of your own home, at your own pace, from a source you can trust. 

Reasons why this program may not suit you:

This program is not intended as a treatment or therapy for people with diagnosed or undiagnosed anxiety disorders. This is a skills training program. This program can be used in conjunction with therapy. You may also use it as a self-help tool, however, it is recommended that you also seek treatment from a medical or mental health professional.

This program will not suit people who are looking for a quick fix or a way to eradicate all unpleasant feelings, thoughts and circumstances. It has been designed with REALITY in mind.

Coping with Anxiety in Challenging Times will help you do all of the above & more!

This course is about keeping it REAL.⁠

If you're tired of anxiety programs by 'gurus' that promise you the world even when they know the world doesn't even exist, well then this might be for you.
Coping with Anxiety in Challenging Times will give you the tools to deal with the REALities of life and help you to have REAListic expectations, by providing you with REAL information based on actual research so you can REALize your goals. ⁠
But if your goal is to get rid of anxiety, you're in for a REALity check: You can not “get rid of anxiety” and it is impossible to “always be happy." ⁠
This course will teach you how to accept what it is to be human, and it's not all perfect and rosy. ⁠But that's okay because you will learn tools that can help you through the ups and downs of REAL life.
Isn't it time you learn REAListic, healthy and effective ways to cope with anxiety and other unpleasant emotions so you can finally face your challenges with confidence? 
You won't get 'freedom' from anxiety, but this program will equip you with the skills and strategies to help you face it head-on—so you can live more confidently, day by day.

And you get all this!
  • 10-session audio course
  • Fifteen-minute lessons that will fit into any schedule
  • 8 downloadable worksheets
  • A “Mindfulness of Thoughts” exercise
  • A “Visualisation” exercise
  • Lifetime access

By the end of this course, you will:
  • have tools to help you cope with and manage anxiety and other distressing emotions in helpful and healthy ways,
  • understand the behaviours that can reduce your vulnerability to anxiety and the factors that strengthen resilience, &
  • gain a more realistic perspective on the process of change that can help you pursue your goals with a more effective mindset.

How does that sound?

And you get PRACTICAL MINDFULNESS for free!

Write your awesome label here.

Practical Mindfulness is about focusing on
doing what works.

Most of us have heard about mindfulness, and the research shows that the benefits are wide-ranging—but that doesn’t mean we are going to do it—right?

So what gets in the way?

  • Is it that you don’t really understand the process of mindfulness?
  • Is it that you don't get how it’s supposed to help?
  • Are you just finding that it is too hard to incorporate into your life?

Practical Mindfulness 
is about:
  • Demystifying mindfulness
  • Understanding how mindfulness can benefit you & 
  • Integrating mindfulness in your daily life easily & effectively

Here’s what people are saying about Practical Mindfulness:

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Lillian’s voice is so soothing that the course was a meditation in and of itself. I learned so much. I cannot recommend this course enough!
MARIA (Australia)
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I learned so much about mindfulness. Now I understand why mindfulness is helpful and how to use it in a really practical way. I loved the little quizzes to test my knowledge & I'm definitely going to do my 2 minutes a day!

These testimonials are genuine, unsolicited experiences
from individuals who have participated in this program.
Individual results vary, and testimonials reflect one's personal
experience. Your experience may differ. The content
here is not intended as a guarantee of results or a
substitute for professional advice.

This course is for you:

  • You're interested in how mindfulness can help you manage anxiety and stress.
  • You want to know why and how mindfulness can improve your mental health and well-being.
  • You want to gain the benefits of mindfulness without having to sit in the lotus position.
  • You want to learn everything you need to know about mindfulness in just 30 minutes!

Practical Mindfulness
 will help you do all of the above & more!

This course is about keeping it PRACTICAL.⁠⁠

We are all busy and we all need efficient and effective ways to improve and maintain our well-being. 

Mindfulness is one of those ways. 

I know you've heard of it, but you may have dismissed it. You may have thought it was too time-consuming, too spiritual, or too popular to actually be helpful.

The truth is the mindfulness is not a fad. It is a core skill that can help you improve your self-awareness, your ability to deal with distress, your relationships, and your overall sense of well-being. ⁠

And you can learn to practice this skill anytime, anywhere, for as long as you want and still gain the benefits!
Practical Mindfulness includes all this!
  • An interactive video & audio course
  • A practical mindfulness handbook to complement the course 
  • 5 extra mindfulness exercises to help you practice
  • Lifetime access

By the end of this course, you will know:
  • What mindfulness is and how it can help you
  • The myths and truth about mindfulness &
  • Easy ways to incorporate mindfulness into your life

How does that sound?
Coping with Anxiety in Challenging Times
Practical Mindfulness

10 Audio Lessons

Just like listening to podcast.

8 Downloadable Worksheets

2 Bonus Practice Exercises

Interactive audio and video course

Free Handbook

5 Bonus Mindfulness Exercises

Dr. Lillian Nejad

“As a clinical psychologist for over 20 years, my work has always been informed by scientific research and has been further enriched by my experiences with my clients over the years.

One thing I know for sure is—people can learn, people can change, and people can grow. That means you can too!

As your well-being guide, my mission is to deliver skills training courses that effectively engage you to learn, change, and grow so you can build the life you want for yourself—at home and at work.”

Dr. Lillian Nejad, Clinical Psychologist
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